I surrendered myself and came apart in grateful debris, disintegration, immolation, and embrace.
I surrendered avarice, and I became impoverished and honest. I can only assume the gilded currency I carried was pig iron.
I surrendered pettiness, and I stood upright, a more natural man. Being low and trivial was life at a snail's pace, I can only assume.
I surrendered deceit and found authentic work, and my spine straightened. The elongated agony, I can only assume, was exaggerated.
I surrendered anger, my new blood ran, and a fresh river swamped a rotting dam. The levees of my life, I can only assume, were ready for liberation.
I surrendered envy, bitter fruit became sugar, and midnight tasted of molasses. I can only assume my monstrous green eyes were meant to be clear blue.
The belts and gears and flywheels, I can only assume, were meant for an inferior model.
Another good one. Bravo!